Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Henry's First Day of Preschool

Henry's first day of preschool was yesterday. He is attending the same school as he did last year but moved up to the 3-year old class. Last year he went two days - Tuesday and Thursday. This year he is going three days - Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We absolutely love the school, the teachers, and the other families. We feel so lucky to have chosen this preschool for Henry.

Henry had a really tough start of school last year. There were lots of tears shed at drop-off for the first couple of months. By the end of the year he absolutely loved it and had two best friends which he talked about ALL of the time! Luckily for us those two boys plus lots of his other classmates were moving up to the same 3-year old class.

Drop-off on the first day this year could not have gone any better. We walked in school with one of his friends. His mommy and I took pictures of the boys outside of the classroom and then they both went in without hesitation. Henry went right over to the box of trains, started playing, and did not look my way again! The teacher walked him out to the car yesterday afternoon and she said he was so well-behaved and incredibly happy all day long! :-)

He was even more excited after his second day. The teachers have already done some really cool games (like pretending the children were space ships) so I am really excited for the rest of the year!

My handsome, handsome Henry on the first day of 3-year old preschool, 2011 -

My precious Henry on the first day of 2-year old preschool, 2010 -

Henry, you have grown and changed so much since this time last year! We are so very, very proud of our sweet, handsome Punkin' Head! :-)

Friday, August 26, 2011

7-month old Charlotte

I am a little behind (with everything lately) but here are Charlotte's six month "stats"...

Weight - 18 pounds, 2 ounces (86th percentile)
Height - 26-3/4 inches (83rd percentile)
Head Circumference - 43 centimeters (67th percentile)

Our 7-month old Charlotte is in the midst of one of my favorite phases. She sits up on her own but is not completely mobile yet. She has been sitting up on her own for a couple of months now. When she does fall over (which I think sometimes she does on purpose) she will roll herself over to whatever she wants, usually a toy of Henry's, naturally.

She is exclusively breast-fed. She absolutely refuses to take a bottle although that is the next thing we are working on.

Our stubborn, stubborn little girl will not take medicine, rice cereal, or baby food. She clamps her jaw shut and the little you can get in her cheek she spits right out. As far as food, we are going through vegetables right now so I am hoping the fruits will be better. We keep trying but I think she has taken in less than five bites of food total. The odd thing is that our stubborn girl gets so excited when she watches anyone else eat!

She is now in the phase where being buckled in is mandatory!

The two things that always calm Charlotte down - her stroller and Henry's Geotrax trains. She loves to be outside in her stroller no matter the temperature or time of day. If she is fussy we can set her down in front of Henry's train set and she will stop fussing immediately and become enthralled with watching the train go around the track.

She would much rather stand than sit. She will stubbornly lock her legs when you try to sit her down. She can stand without help for several minutes if holding onto something.

She uses a pacifier at night but during the day she mostly just chews on it.

After some painful nights of sleep training, she is now mostly sleeping through the night. She goes down around 730p and wakes up between 530a and 630a, eats, and then goes back to sleep usually for another hour or two. She averages three naps a day that last anywhere between 1/2 hour and 1-1/2 hours.

She loves, loves, loves to pull hair and not let go. This girl has an amazing grip!

She adores her big brother. She could stay entertained for hours just watching him play and run around. She lights up when he stops to pay her attention.

She has one little tooth that has broken through. Her gums are red and swollen so I am hoping the others break through soon. Teething looks so painful!

She loves to blow raspberries. She stays constantly soaked with drool because of the rasberries and from teething.

She doesn't yet a have a preference for a specific toy. She likes anything that she can chew on (which is just about everything). She likes spending time in her Jumperoo and ExerSaucer because she can stand up in both.

She has lost most of her baby hair and some blonde hair is now growing in its place. She has my blue/green eye color but luckily has Daddy's long eyelashes.

She wears some 6-9 month clothing and some 9-12 month clothing. She even sometimes wears her clothing on her head! :-)

She is feisty, stubborn, and absolutely knows what she wants. She is so incredibly happy and we love nothing more than to hear her laugh out loud. She keeps us on our toes but we cannot imagine not having our beautiful, joyful baby girl in our lives.

Precious Charlotte, Daddy, Mommy, and Henry love you to the moon and back!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just like old times...

Henry had "Meet the Teacher Day" at preschool this morning. I got a babysitter to come watch Charlotte so that Henry and I could spend the morning together.

We first stopped at his school to meet his wonderful new teachers and get acclimated to his new classroom. Henry was a little clingy at first but immediately warmed up once he saw the HUGE tub of trains the teachers had. It doesn't take much to win Henry over! :-)

After the meet and greet I gave Henry the option of going anywhere he wanted for breakfast. I was thinking donuts or pancakes or even McDonalds. Where did Henry choose for the two of us to eat breakfast?! Sonic Drive-In! What?!

"You got a problem with that?!" :-)

It honestly didn't matter where we ate because we were together like old times just the two of us...

...and I loved every minute of it!

We both really missed our Charlotte though! Henry asked about Charlotte at least five times while we were out. He kept looking over at her empty car seat and would wonder out loud what she was up to. Our babysitter said that all morning Charlotte was a happy baby completely content with just playing and then took a long nap. A wonderful morning for all of us! :-)

Monday, August 22, 2011


After Trey was done rounding at the hospital on Saturday we met him at Krispy Kreme for a breakfast treat! YUM!