Sunday, September 7, 2008

Henry Blaine - The Six-Month Old

He loves peek-a-boo, especially when you say "Pop goes the weasel". He is up on his hands and knees rocking back and forth. He is not interested at all in baby food (Trey says he doesn't blame him!). He stands up on his own when he is holding onto something. He smiles and laughs when you make a big deal about him doing anything. He loves when you sing to him...his favorite is "Take Me Out To The Ball Game". He absolutely adores his Daddy. He chews on absolutely anything he can get his hands on (including my flip flop when I wasn't paying attention). He has to play with his mobile any time you take him out of his crib. He loves to look at himself in the mirror. He loves watching other children and loves it even more when they play with him. He blows raspberries like a champion. He loves his bathtime but especially when Daddy is home to bathe him. He puts his pacifier in himself, sometimes upside down. He turns around in his stroller every once in a while just to make sure I am still there....I always will be.

Your Daddy and I love you so very much Little Man!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post! There is a site where you can turn your blog into a book. I plan on doing it for Anna Sofia's! I can get you the info if you would like..