Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Harborside Lights

Some good friends of ours, Stephanie, Andy, and Abigail, invited us to come out to their neighborhood last Friday night for a Christmas festival. There was Christmas music, hot chocolate, luminaries lining the streets, Santa Clause, the Grinch, sleigh rides, and lots of people in the holiday spirit! We had the best time!

Andy trying to juggle both Abigail (isn't she precious?) and Henry...

Henry with one of his favorite people...

Henry with Mommy (one of his favorite people SOME days)...

"Now who is this clown?!"

Thanks Andy, Stephanie, and Abigail for including us!


Anonymous said...

Doesn't that big ol' grin on that little face just melt your heart?? GAHHHH, he's so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! We made the blog. So cute! We had a great time too!
-S, A & A