Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another Members' Night at the Zoo

The focus of this members' night was the grand opening of the new kangaroo exhibit! Visitors can actually walk through the kangaroo habitat and see them up close and personal.

Mommy thought this was very cool. Henry on the other hand, was not so sure about the animals hopping around very close to his personal space! :-)

But Henry always thinks riding the carousel is cool!

And of course the ice cream is always awesome!

But the coolest part of Henry's evening was watching Daddy being swarmed by birds! And Mommy thought it was pretty hilarious to watch Daddy get pooped on by the bird on his head! :-)

Honestly though every evening I get to hang out with my two men is extremely cool in my book! ;-)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Nothing says fun like bird poop on the head! :)