Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Mardi Gras!

"Throw me something Mistah!"

Your dad and I look forward to taking you to New Orleans one day for you to experience the REAL thing! :-)

Friday, February 20, 2009

He's a BIG boy now!

Henry got his first pair of big boy tennis shoes!

He wanted to be just like Daddy! :-)

They are much bigger than any other pair of shoes he's ever had. He was so confused when I first put them on. He just stared at them for a minute and then started walking so funny. I had to get the video camera out!

Finally, Trey has a weekend off! :-)

After almost a month with no days off, Trey finally has this weekend off! YEAH! So is our weekend going to be filled with lots of relaxation and down time?! NO WAY!

Henry is getting a swing set for his birthday and it is going to be put together this weekend. Trey and I spent two hours one night this week just labeling all of the pieces. Henry then decided to remove several of the Post-it notes while I was not looking!

Looks like we have our work cut out for us Trey Bradley!

Even if our weekend is filled with lots of "to-dos" Henry and I still cannot wait to spend two whole days with you! :-)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our Valentine's Day Date

Unfortunately, Trey was on call on Valentine's Day but he had taken Henry and I out to dinner on Friday to celebrate. On Saturday, I made our friends Grant and Josie go out on a date so that Nolan could come over to our home to play. :-) Henry was very excited!

Two pals eating dinner together...

I always tickle Henry's feet when he is eating dinner so Henry decided to tickle Nolan's feet. I was dying laughing! :-)

Nolan showing Henry the right way to put on sunglasses.

How cute is he?!

Thanks Nolan for being our Valentine's Day date! We had a wonderful time playing!

Fun With Friends At The Zoo

Last Friday Henry and I were lucky enough to go to the zoo with lots and lots of our friends. It was a beautiful day outside and we enjoyed every minute of it!

Here, Henry is showing you how a giraffe eats his food. :-) By the way, Henry has on his Valentine's Day shirt and it says "Single and Loving It"! Hilarious!

Getting ready to ride the carousel - he was specifically riding an aardvark!

How lucky am I that I get to hang out with him and have fun all day?! (Thanks Daddy!)

We did not even make it out of the zoo parking lot before Henry was OUT!

We are so very, very lucky!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Always Excited To Be Outside!

Who knew a colander could be so entertaining?

"What is this crazy woman doing?!"

Where's Henry?


You are easily entertained Little Man! :-)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Guess what we had for dinner?

Lasagna and green beans...YUM!!

"Let's go outside please!"

"Yeah! I've broken free!"

Henry is showing you the stick that he carries around every time we are outside!

Henry not being gentle to our plants...

You better not have anything in your mouth Henry! :-)

"I need a rest from this rough day of play!"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Picnic At The Park With Friends

We have been so lucky with incredibly beautiful weather lately - sunny and temperatures in the 70s. One day Henry and I met our friends Beth, Garett, Josie, and Nolan at a park for lunch and a walk. We had so much fun laughing and playing together!

Henry playing (with Garett's toys) while Beth, Garett, Josie, and Nolan eat their lunches...

Best buds Nolan, Garett, and Henry...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Mouthful of Teeth

Henry now has four teeth on the top and four teeth on the bottom! Luckily for him (and for us), these teeth don't seem to bother him as much as the first teeth that broke through. Although there is still lots of chewing and lots of drooling!

A virus won't stop Henry!

Last week Henry was sick with a virus. Poor guy had three days of high fever. :-( He still wanted to play but mostly he wanted me to read the same books over and over and over again. I actually hid two Dr. Seuss books because I could not think about reading them once more! :-)

Henry just learned that he could reach up standing on his very tippy toes and turn his lamp on and off! So much fun!

Notice the red cheeks...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Memere / Mimi!

This wonderful weekend in New Orleans was all to celebrate our Memere's birthday. There was a fabulous family party on Saturday night and a delicious lunch on Sunday.

Our family picture - we missed you Lori, Jack, and Will!

Don't laugh but our Henry played baby Jesus in the Christmas nativity play. I was extremely worried that he would cause a scene. I even made sure we had a back-up but he was perfect. Baby Jesus in our story had a pacifier and Mary (Thanks Julia!) was holding some Cheerios. :-)

"Santa brought me another gift?! This guy is awesome!"

Laura, Matt, and I with a passed-out Henry...

Memere / Mimi with her grand and great-grandchickens...

Memere, what an amazing family you have created! We are truly lucky to have you!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Must-Do In New Orleans

One thing that we HAVE to do every time we go to New Orleans is eat beignets. They are fluffy, covered in powdered sugar, and absolutely delicious! My stomach is growling just thinking about them!

Emily, Reggie, Trey, and Henry patiently waiting for their orders...

Laura, Matt, and I drinking our chocolate milk...

Ben, Sarah, and John hanging out at Morning Call...

Our first family picture at Morning Call - Henry even appropriately has powdered sugar on his lip!

This will definitely be the first of many, many, many more trips with Henry to Morning Call!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Henry's First New Orleans Experience

While in New Orleans for my grandmother's birthday celebration, Trey and I decided to show Henry around one of our most favorite cities!

Family picture in front of St. Louis Cathedral...

Henry's first trip down Bourbon Street...

This same day Henry tried seafood gumbo for the first time and LOVED it! He couldn't get enough! I almost told him to get his own because I didn't want to share mine! :-)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our Christmas Adventures Continued

Back to our adventures over the week of Christmas...

The day after Christmas Trey, Henry, and I packed up and drove from Nashville to New Orleans for my grandmother's birthday celebration.

We stopped along the way to change Henry into his pajamas. He LOVES playing in the front seat!

"Okay get back in the car Mom and Dad! Time to go!"

Trey and I were actually dreading the 8-hour drive with a 10 month-old. But he was absolutely perfect!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Where's Henry?


That game never gets old, does it Henry?!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mr. Clean! Mr. Clean!

Henry likes to run around naked after his bathtime. Unfortunately, sometimes he gets away from us without a diaper. He has peed on the floor twice so we try not to make that mistake very often! :-)

"Love you Daddy! Just between you and me, Mom isn't as fun as you are at bathtime. She does it all wrong!" :-)

Henry's First Super Bowl Sunday

Trey, Henry, and I went over to a friend's house to watch the Super Bowl. It was a great time with friends although Henry at times tried to steal the show! :-) We left at halftime and Henry was completely out before we even got home. You missed a GREAT game Henry!

Henry trying to figure out why all of these crazy people are wearing weird glasses...

Thanks Tamsin and Andrew for inviting us over! We had a wonderful time!

(Notice the scrape on Henry's nose and forehead. He tripped and faceplanted into the driveway yesterday afternoon! Henry was more upset about us bringing him inside than about his bloody face!)

Mommy and Daddy Night Out

Trey had a big test on Saturday so we celebrated it being over with a night out on the town! We were so lucky to have many great friends out with us!

Three mommies (Josie, me and Stephanie) definitely enjoying a night out!

By the way, Henry did not even notice we were gone! He fell asleep 45 minutes after we left and the babysitter said he was wonderful! Thanks Henry! :-)