Thursday, May 19, 2011

Henry's Spring Program

One morning a couple of weeks ago Charlotte and I went to Henry's Spring program at his preschool. Just like his Daddy, Henry does not like or want to be the center of attention and absolutely does not want to be singing or dancing in front of anyone. So pretty much this was the last thing Henry would want to be doing!

The two-year olds were pretty hilarious. They all pretty much stood with a deer-in-headlights look watching the teachers on the floor doing all of the singing and hand motions. To make matters worse one little boy got completely distracted with the balloon bouquets in the background which made the other little boys, including Henry, get distracted. By the end of the three songs, it was pretty much mass chaos which is exactly what you would expect when you get a bunch of two-year olds together! :-) The three-year old and four-year old classes did much better performing but they were all really cute and it was a lot of fun to see Henry and his friends!

Henry is in the middle with a red t-shirt on...

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