Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Owls vs. Foxes :-)

Henry's first soccer game on Saturday was so much fun! It was a real match-up between the Owls and the Foxes and the three-year olds did not disappoint! :-)

The parents were laughing hysterically on the sidelines throughout the whole game. Kids were crying on the field because they wanted to wear the red jersey and not the blue jersey. Kids would grab the ball and throw it into the goal. Some kids would not even play at all. Henry did great although I don't think he touched the ball once! He just loved running around with the other kids. He lasted about 20 minutes and then he was done and ready to go get doughnuts. The coaches called the game after about 30 minutes because there were no kids left on the field! :-)

Henry was thrilled that his Daddy took the day off to come watch him play! It was really cute because Trey was just as excited!

Henry and his best friend and fellow Owl, Hunter...

At the end of the game the coach told the team that he thinks they won 100-0. I don't know how anyone could keep track because many times both teams would kick the ball in the opponent's goal! ;-)

Henry and two of his cheerleaders...

We are so proud of you Henry! I cannot think of a better way to spend Saturday morning than to watch you laughing and having so much fun! :-)

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