Monday, January 13, 2014

This Girl's Hair ;-)

Everywhere we go people comment on how beautiful Charlotte's hair is, how it looks like doll hair, how they wish they had curls like she has, how shiny it is, and on and on.  And it is absolutely beautiful.  But this girl...

...likes her hair in her face.  

We have tried rubber bands, bobby pins, a million types of barrettes, little bows, big bows, headbands, hair bands. She does not even like when I try to put it behind her ears! I have tried bribing, being stern, and acting like I don't care.  Mommy even pretends to love to wear Charlotte's bows in her hair! :-)

"Not falling for it Mom!"

So I am at the point now where I let it go.  She is beautiful no matter what and it does not bother her in the least so I try not to let it bother me!  Our sweet girl is a little set in her ways, can't you tell?! ;-)

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