Thursday, April 28, 2011

Big Brother Henry

One of the biggest concerns I had when pregnant was how Henry was going to handle having a little sister. He was definitely used to having my undivided attention. We were involved in so many activities and spent so much time planning fun activities with friends. I knew things were going to change drastically and I worried about how Henry would deal with that change. After all, toddlers are not known for just going with the flow! :-)

From the moment he first laid eyes on Charlotte he was completely enamored with her. He was taking every inch of her in. He insisted on seeing all of her fingers and toes. And his first comment was on the fact that Charlotte didn't have any eyebrows! :-)

He grinned from ear to ear while holding his brand new sister...

To help ease the transition when she came home, "Charlotte" brought her big brother a gift...Buzz Lightyear! He shocked us all when he shared Bunny with her because he does not share Bunny with ANYONE!

Henry thought that she would enjoy playing with his new Etch-A-Sketch. ;-)

One morning I ran quickly in the bedroom to get dressed while unfortunately Charlotte was screaming at the top of her lungs. I heard it get really quiet in the den so I ran back out. I found Henry sitting next to her chair singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and she was lovingly staring at him. Talk about melting my heart!

To say that Henry has been absolutely amazing through all of this is a complete understatement. We had a week or two of some issues but even with that he was still such a sweet, wonderful big brother to Charlotte. A friend commented on the fact that Henry lights up whenever he talks about Charlotte and that is very true. You can really tell that he already loves her as much as we do.

Henry, your Daddy and I wonder all of the time how we got so lucky to have you for our son. You have such a kind, generous heart and Charlotte could not have asked for more in a big brother. We all love you so very, very much Buddy!

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