Thursday, December 15, 2011

Henry's Pie Celebration

The 3-year old classes at Henry's preschool hosted a pie celebration the Tuesday before Thanksgiving for friends and family. Each family was asked to bring in a pie to share. The teachers had the gym decorated so cute and each child made an adorable turkey placemat for their family members!

Henry was really excited because Trey took the morning off of work so that he could join in the fun. This was the first preschool program that Trey was able to attend so I think he was just as excited as Henry! ;-)

Henry and his classmates dressed and ready to perform!

Henry told us that morning that he was not going to sing and sure enough he did not! He did do all of the hand motions though. He and all of his classmates did a great job and their performance was definitely entertaining!

"Enough entertaining you people! It is pie time!"

The teachers do such a great job making every event so special and this was no exception! It was a really fun morning for all of us!

And Henry, we are so very thankful for you and for all of the smiles and laughter you bring to us! We love you Turkey!

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