Friday, February 14, 2014

January Snowfall

At the end of January, we got some snow!  Pretty typical amount for us - 1-1/2 - 2 inches.  Unfortunately it was powdery and not packing snow so we weren't able to build a snowman.  Sad for Charlotte because that is all she wanted to do!

All bundled up but Charlotte insisted on wearing her Hello Kitty skirt!  ;-)

The neighbors across the street have a steep yard and driveway, perfect for sledding!

"Ready, set, go, Henry, Will and Caroline!"

Henry probably went up and down the hill at least 100 times! :-)


Charlotte was not a fan of sledding down the hill but she loved when I pulled the sled around the yard!

We assumed this would probably be the only snow we had this winter so we were just thankful to be outside enjoying it while it lasted! Little did we know there was a lot more coming just around the corner!  ;-) 

We had an early dismissal and two missed days of school during this snow event.  This was the same storm that disabled Atlanta so I think the city of Charlotte was being extra cautious! Unfortunately we have to make those two days up on President's Day and the day afterwards (which was initially a teacher workday).  :-( 

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