Saturday, February 15, 2014

Winter Storm Pax - Thursday, 2/13

Thursday morning we woke up to sleet and then another couple of inches of snow! This was by far the most snow the kids had ever seen and the most snow the city had seen in over 10 years! 

By this point the kids were not begging to go outside but had to be coaxed a little bit.  Neither enjoyed the long process of putting on many, many layers to keep warm and dry.  With no snow gear we had to improvise quite a bit!  Once outside, we had lots of fun though!     

Charlotte stood in the same spot for long portions of time.  She found it hard to walk in the deeper snow so she just seemed to enjoy watching the other kids play.  ;-)

Henry, on the other hand, was one busy, very cool kid!  :-)  

We really enjoyed playing with our neighbors and friends, Caroline and Will!  

Will and Charlotte walking around taking it all in!  The snow was up to their knees in some parts!  

This snow was much better snow for snowball fights, building a snowman, 

and snow angels!

By Friday, the kids were completely done with the snow. Charlotte and I took a short walk just to get outside but by this point the snow was really slushy and wet and not so fun to play in.   

The kids had half day of school on Tuesday and missed school completely on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  We are making up one of the days on another teacher workday in March and then two of the days we are making up over Spring Break!  :-( 

It was such a cool event for all of us to experience and certainly not one that happens very often in the South.  We had hours and hours of fun outside and lots of memories made but probably won't be too sad to see it all melt.  It definitely gives us a better appreciation of what all of our family and friends in the North experience for months and months!  :-)

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