Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend Visit with Wonderful Friends

We were thrilled to have our friends Mark and Erica spend a weekend with us! It was a rainy, gloomy weekend so we were not able to get out and do much but we had a wonderful time just spending time together. We did spend Sunday morning at the zoo but shockingly I forgot my camera so no proof of that! ;-)

Henry loved every minute of being with them too especially when he and Mark were "rocking out" together! :-)

Thank you both so much for making the trip to see us! We always enjoy being together and this weekend was no different! :-)

On a sad side note, shortly after their visit, Nashville received massive amounts of rain and flooded major portions of the city. Mark and Erica's beautiful new home did not have any of the water (although other homes in their neighborhood did) but Mark's parents' home was completely flooded. We are so very sorry for the devastation and we are praying for you all as you begin the rebuilding process!

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